Influence of Fog on Atmospheric Laser Communication System and the Relevant Methods 雾对大气激光通信系统的影响及克服方法
The Research of the ATP System of the Wireless Laser Communication with the Function of Image Stabilization 具有稳像功能的无线激光通信ATP系统的研究
Study on Location Method Suitable to ATP System for Deep-space Laser Communication 用于深空激光通信ATP的定位方法研究
Study on Localization Method Suitable to APT System of Space Laser Communication 适用于激光通信APT系统定位方法研究
Flashes on the Effects of Atmospheric Turbulence Laser Communication Systems and Compensation Technology Research 大气湍流闪烁效应对激光通信系统影响及补偿技术研究
At the same time, the developments of laser communication domestic and aboard are described. 同时,简单描述了国内外自由空间光通信技术的发展现状。
Atmospheric turbulance is one of the main factors which have influence on the performance of a laser communication system. 大气湍流是影响大气激光通信系统性能的主要因素之一。
The Principle an Technology of the Sateline-to-Ground Laser Communication Links. 李晓峰。星地激光通信链路原理与技术。
Design and realization of a laser communication simulation experiment system by non-diffracting beams 无衍射激光通信模拟实验系统的设计与实现
Research and Analysis for the Performance of Turbo-code in Atmospheric Laser Communication System 大气激光通信系统Turbo码的研究与系统性能分析
Based on the channel and detector characteristics of a submarine laser communication system, the output equation for the signal to noise ratio is derived and simplified. 根据激光对潜通信系统的信道特性和探测器特性,推导并简化了输出信噪比公式。
The obtained results are theoretic reference to the improvement of the performance of underwater laser communication. 该研究结果对提高水下激光通信性能具有一定的理论参考价值。
An atmospheric laser communication simulation experiment system using non-diffracting beam as the information carrier was introduced. 无衍射光束的发散角为零并且中心光斑直径相对于高斯光束较小,在激光通信中有潜在的应用价值。
The system servo of fine tracking plays a key role in space laser communication. 精跟踪伺服系统是自由空间激光通信中的一项关键技术。
Atmospheric turbulence's effect on the BER of the wireless laser communication 大气湍流对无线激光通信误码率的影响
The analysis on the influence of the weather factor for the quality of atmosphere laser communication 天气因素对大气激光通信质量影响分析
Effects of turbulence sizes on the error rate of atmospheric laser communication system 湍流尺度对大气激光通信系统误码率的影响
Effects of Atmospheric Channel on System Performance of Infrared Laser Communication System 大气信道对红外激光通信系统性能影响的实验研究
This provides a sufficient basis for designing the atmospheric laser communication system. 这为设计更合理的无线激光通信系统提供了理论依据。
Study and Simulation of Laser Communication Acquisition System in Mobile Platform-to-Satellite 机动平台与卫星间激光通信捕获系统仿真研究
Research on the effect of the atmospheric turbulence on laser communication system 大气湍流对激光通信系统影响的数值模拟
Impact of mismatching aperture in satellite-ground laser communication on pointing information 孔径不匹配在星地光通信中对对准信息的影响
Precision Tracking System in Wireless Laser Communication Based on FPGA 基于FPGA的激光无线通信精跟踪系统
A Research on the Polarization of the Laser in Atmospheric Laser Communication System 大气激光通信系统的激光偏振特性研究
This paper is mainly study of characteristics of space atmospheric random channel, especially the effect of the random channel to laser communication. 大气随机信道的研究是激光通信系统的一个十分重要的研究部分,对激光通信系统的设计和实现具有较大的参考价值。
This paper states how adaptive optics technique can be used in space laser communication system to compensate atmospheric turbulence when laser beam transmission through it. 自适应光学系统可以减小大气湍流对空间激光通信系统的影响,该文主要介绍了自适应光学系统在空间激光通信系统中的应用。
The optical signal attenuation caused by fog has a great influence on the performance of the atmospheric laser communication system. 雾引起的光信号衰减对大气激光通信系统性能影响较大。
Research on Driving the Laser Diodes Used in Laser Communication Systems 光通信系统中半导体激光器驱动技术研究
A circularly polarized light polarization multiplexing laser communication system has been presented in the paper. 提出了一种采用圆偏振光的偏振复用通讯系统。
Research on Point-Ahead Servo Control Technology for Space Laser Communication Subsystem APT 空间激光通信APT分系统中提前量伺服控制技术研究